ホテルの場所は、in 中心部 the ancient city-西安 and is in the busiest section of the commercial centre just beside the well known Bell Tower, Drum Tower and Ancient City Wall.
ホテルは、133 居心地の良い部屋 that are elegantly designed and equipped with modern amenities to make your stay as enjoyable as possible.
エレガントな and magnificent Ming パレス and La Pinata レストラン serve not only delicious flavours of many varieties for you to dine, but also is a place for business talking and tea and cafe service.
ホテルでは business 会議室 and multi-function hall that are well-equipped with modern facilities which is a ideal place for all kinds of meetings and parties. 余った時間には、you can spend your day by shopping or exploring the city and its beautiful attractions.