ドンジアオ ステート ゲスト ホテル(上海東郊賓館)は 理想的な場所 close to the 上海浦東新区張江高科技園区, New 上海 exhibition center and 周辺は 張江駅 of メトロ No.2 line. またホテルは convenient to reach ホテル through the 浦東空港 and the 虹橋空港.
ホテルは、uniquely designed and 広々とした客室 that provide you with modern day comforts. 幾つかの客室 also open out to beautiful views of the garden and the picturesque surrounding area.
A freshly prepared コンチネンタル breakfast awaits you every morning to help you start a fabulous day. You can also relish sumptuous meals at the elliptical Caiyue Room, an elegant dining area designed in Chinese and Western style.
ドンジアオ ステート ゲスト ホテル(上海東郊賓館) offers highly competent business services with a state of the art ビジネス センター as well as well equipped meeting and banquet facilities. Other ホテルにある設備としては modern ジム, lovely pool area, スパ, テニス and lots more to keep you happily occupied. You can also discover interesting local attractions such as 世紀公園, 上海科学技術博物館, 東方明珠電視塔, The 外灘(バンド), 豫園, 人民広場, and 新天地.