便利な場所、on Hong Xin Road, ディジョン ホテル 上海(帝環花園大酒店)は 10 分(車で) from the 虹橋 国内線空港 as well as easily accessible from the 上海's Central Business Districts, major Convention Centres, ゴルフ クラブs, 虹橋 and Caohejing Economic Zone.
ホテル内の western レストランでは fusion of international dishes for you to feast on. Guests can relish the original flavours of Chinese dishes in an elegant setting of the on-site Chinese レストラン.
ホテルでは multifunction halls and large 会議室、最大収容人員 250名 for organising your corporate ミーティング, social gatherings and all kinds of special events. You can energise yourselfs at 設備の整った ジム or pamper your senses at サウナ at your leisure.